
0 null zero
1 oes(e) one
2 zwoe two
3 droe three
4 vier(e)four
5 fümf(e) five
6 sechs(e) six
7 siibe seven
8 acht(e) eight
9 noen(e) nine

10 zaen(e) ten
11 elve eleven
12 zwölve twelve
13 droezäe thirteen
14 virzäe fourteen
15 fifzäe fifteen
16 sächzäe sixteen
17 sibzäe seventeen
18 achzäe eighteen
19 noenzäe nineteen

20 zwanzg twenty
21 oesazwanzg twentyone
22 zwoeazwanzg twentytwo
23 droiazwanzg twentythree
30 droessig thirty
40 vierzg fourty
50 fuffzg fifty
60 sächzg sixty
70 siebzg seventy
80 achzg eighty
90 noenzg ninety

100 hondrt one hundred
101 hondrtoes a hundred and one
200 zwoehonrdt two hunded
572 foefhondrtzwoeasiebzig five hundred and seventy-two

1.000 dausnd one thousand
22.143 zwoeazwanzigdausndoenhundrtdroeavierzig twenty-two thousand and one hundred forty-three

1.000.000 a millioon one million a milliard one billion

1. erschtens first
2. zwoetens second
3. drittens third
4. viertens fourth
5. fünftens fifth
6. säxtens sixth
7. siebtens seventh
8. achtens eighth
9. noentens ninth
10. zäntens tenth

27 Aug 2002
© Thomas Kemmer